Ven Pongal


Our breakfast mostly revolves around idly,dosa varieties,aapam,adai,pesarattu,poori,pongal and sandwich. Among all dishes Pongal is the most filling recipe and it is nutritious,mouth-watering too. The below recipe will show you to make PONGAL in open pan. It is made this way in mud/brass pots during PONGAL festival all over Tamil Nadu. This is a wholesome baby food post 8 months. It has 1 cereal+1 pulse combination and a completely mashed food with loads of ghee. Remove the cashews when you provide your baby. My mom does it in another way in cooker which I shall post very soon.


  • Raw rice-1 cup
  • Moong dhal-1 cup
  • Ghee-As needed
  • Water-5 to 6 cups

To temper:

  • Cashews-8
  • Ghee
  • Pepper-6
  • Cumin seeds-1 tsp
  • Curry leaves


1.Wash rice and dhal separately and soak them individually for 10 minutes.

2. Take a thick/wide bottomed pan,add 5 /6 cups of water and boil it.

3.When the water boils well,add the soaked rice after draining the water.

ven pongal

4.Add a spoon of ghee in this stage.

5.The water will settle as soon as you add rice. When it again continues to boil add moong dhal.


6.Add 2 spoons of ghee and stir well.

7.Both will get cooked and start thickening.From now keep stirring continuously bu adding half spoon of ghee whenever your stirring becomes hard.


8.When it is completely and the entire water is about to get cooked add salt,ghee and stir well.

9. Switch off the stove and add tempering elements.

10.Mix well and serve it hot with sambhar,chutney or brinjal gothsu



After step 6,reduce the flame and don’t give up stirring till the end.

The more the ghee is,the yummier the pongal is.

Usually a max of 5 cups of water will be enough to make this quantity. But this depends on the quality of rice and dhal. Hence adjust water accordingly. If at any time you feel,water content wouldn’t be enough add boiled water.

To enhance the taste,dry roast moong dhal before adding to water.

You can add green chillies in tempering elements.

Avoid salt and cashews for babies less than 1 year

8 thoughts on “Ven Pongal

  1. Hi kalyani,
    I liked your blog and tried ven pongal. But whether the pongal becomes dry and hard if it is cool.. Because when it is hot it is mashed and scoopy texture. But when it becomes cool it is hard. Whether I m making mistake or it depends on the quality price?


    1. Hi Kamala, Thanks for visiting and liking my blog. With respect to pongal ,yes it becomes hard when it gets cool. Adding some more ghee will help in maintaining the scoopy texture for some more time. It majorly depends on water content and rice quality. Store in a casserole,it will help a bit.


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